We rely on pharmaceutical companies, medical device manufacturers, and pharmacies to provide the necessary tools and remedies that help keep us safe and healthy. But sometimes, the medication they sell—a prescription or an over-the-counter product—does more harm than good. In their greed, some companies rush products to market, cutting corners or failing to take proper precautions to ensure the patient’s safety. In other cases, a pharmacist fails to take proper care to give you the exact medication your doctor prescribed. If you have suffered injuries as a result of negligence on the part of pharmaceutical companies or pharmacies in Massachusetts, contact us for a free case evaluation. You may be entitled to significant compensation.
Many medications are currently, or were previously, sold to individuals who have been harmed from taking them and may still be dealing with associated repercussions. Successful harmful medication lawsuits have been brought against several pharmaceutical manufacturers. If you or someone close has experienced medical issues due to harmful medication, contact us to find out whether compensation may be available.

Many medications are currently, or were previously, sold to individuals who have been harmed from taking them and may still be dealing with associated repercussions. Successful harmful medication lawsuits have been brought against several pharmaceutical manufacturers. If you or someone close has experienced medical issues due to harmful medication, contact us to find out whether compensation may be available.
We rely on our pharmacies and pharmacists to provide us with the correct medications, in the right amount, with the correct dosage information, and to let us know if the medication poses a health risk if combined with other drugs or supplements we may be taking. Unfortunately, we’ve seen too many instances where pharmacists make dangerous errors that lead to adverse reactions, medical complications, and even death. If you or a loved one has suffered injuries due to pharmacist error, contact us for a free case evaluation.